Agenda | Day 2 – Saturday, September 28, 2024
Empowering for Equity
CHECK IN: 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Networking and Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM – 8:45 AM
Welcome, Updates, Housekeeping
Lane Stone
President AAUW Virginia
8:45 AM – 9:45 AM
Generative AI: The Evolution of Machine Learning and Why It Matters
Ajia Glavasevic Laussegger
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Ideas for Growing AAUW
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM The Glen Restaurant
Danielle Beach-Oswald
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Trending Topics:
Title IX
Meghan Kissell
Ending Period Poverty
Anjali Mehrotra
Constant and Unrelenting: The Struggle for the Right to Vote for All in the United States
Jennifer Lai-Peterson
ERA: The Fight Continues
Mary Ann Gorman
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM
Swap Shop Sessions
Civics 9-1-1: Raising Civic Awareness, Understanding, & Engagement
Kate Elkins and Mary France, AAUW Carlisle, PA
If I Can “C” It, I Can Be It... Discover How Curiosity, Creativity, and Career Exploration
Can Lead Women and Girls to Nontraditional Careers
Tiffany N. Jacobs, AAUW Greensboro, NC
Keeping Small Branches Afloat but Not Adrift
Deb Roney, AAUW Huntingdon, PA
Harnessing Social Media for Impact
Ajia Glavasevic-Laussegger, National
Sandra Miller, AAUW Easton/Bethlehem, PA
Virtual Branches: Opportunities and Challenge
Nancy Shoemaker, AAUW Tar Heel, NC
2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Break
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM
Trending Topics:
Ending Period Poverty
Anjali Mehrotra
Inclusion Infusion and Beyond
Sue Shineman
Empowering Women since 1881: An Illustrated History of AAUW
Dian Belanger
Building Coalition: Power Mapping and Relationships
Delane Lewis, Together We Will
3:30 PM - 3:45 PM Break
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Trending Topics:
Integrating DEI into AAUW Work
Edwina Martin
Strengthening Advocacy Across Generational Lines
Meghan Kissell
ERA: The Fight Continues
Mary Ann Gorman
Ranked Choice Voting
Heather Reichardt
4:45 PM - 5:30 PM
Swap Shop Sessions
The Power of Focus Groups in Creating an Engaged Branch
Paula McDaniel, AAUW Lansdale, PA
Find Your STEM-Experiences that Answer the Question “Why Not Me” for Girls 8 to 80
Laura Tew, AAUW Greensboro, NC
Harnessing Social Media for Impact
Ajia Glavasevic-Laussegger, National
Sandra Miller, AAUW Easton/Bethlehem, PA
Virtual Branches: Opportunities and Challenge
Nancy Shoemaker, AAUW Tar Heel, NC
Case Study: How Support for a Local Title 1 School Translated to Increased Visibility for the Branch
Aida Loomis, AAUW Falls Church, VA
Lane Stone, AAUW-VA & AAUW Alexandria, VA
Meet for Dine Around
Optional dinner with conference members at local restaurants.
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Networking and Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM – 8:45 AM
Welcome, Updates, Housekeeping
Lane Stone
President AAUW Virginia
8:45 AM – 9:45 AM
Generative AI: The Evolution of Machine Learning and Why It Matters
Ajia Glavasevic Laussegger
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Ideas for Growing AAUW
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM The Glen Restaurant
Danielle Beach-Oswald
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Trending Topics:
Title IX
Meghan Kissell
Ending Period Poverty
Anjali Mehrotra
Constant and Unrelenting: The Struggle for the Right to Vote for All in the United States
Jennifer Lai-Peterson
ERA: The Fight Continues
Mary Ann Gorman
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM
Swap Shop Sessions
Civics 9-1-1: Raising Civic Awareness, Understanding, & Engagement
Kate Elkins and Mary France, AAUW Carlisle, PA
If I Can “C” It, I Can Be It... Discover How Curiosity, Creativity, and Career Exploration
Can Lead Women and Girls to Nontraditional Careers
Tiffany N. Jacobs, AAUW Greensboro, NC
Keeping Small Branches Afloat but Not Adrift
Deb Roney, AAUW Huntingdon, PA
Harnessing Social Media for Impact
Ajia Glavasevic-Laussegger, National
Sandra Miller, AAUW Easton/Bethlehem, PA
Virtual Branches: Opportunities and Challenge
Nancy Shoemaker, AAUW Tar Heel, NC
2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Break
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM
Trending Topics:
Ending Period Poverty
Anjali Mehrotra
Inclusion Infusion and Beyond
Sue Shineman
Empowering Women since 1881: An Illustrated History of AAUW
Dian Belanger
Building Coalition: Power Mapping and Relationships
Delane Lewis, Together We Will
3:30 PM - 3:45 PM Break
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Trending Topics:
Integrating DEI into AAUW Work
Edwina Martin
Strengthening Advocacy Across Generational Lines
Meghan Kissell
ERA: The Fight Continues
Mary Ann Gorman
Ranked Choice Voting
Heather Reichardt
4:45 PM - 5:30 PM
Swap Shop Sessions
The Power of Focus Groups in Creating an Engaged Branch
Paula McDaniel, AAUW Lansdale, PA
Find Your STEM-Experiences that Answer the Question “Why Not Me” for Girls 8 to 80
Laura Tew, AAUW Greensboro, NC
Harnessing Social Media for Impact
Ajia Glavasevic-Laussegger, National
Sandra Miller, AAUW Easton/Bethlehem, PA
Virtual Branches: Opportunities and Challenge
Nancy Shoemaker, AAUW Tar Heel, NC
Case Study: How Support for a Local Title 1 School Translated to Increased Visibility for the Branch
Aida Loomis, AAUW Falls Church, VA
Lane Stone, AAUW-VA & AAUW Alexandria, VA
Meet for Dine Around
Optional dinner with conference members at local restaurants.